for your wedding to be unique and represent you 100%
what's my process?
How do we know we will like the result?
To make sure my work fits your expectations, I will update you regularly on what I do in order for you to check whether you like it or not. As your wedding planning can vary before the d-day, you can request edits anytime.
Firstly, I ask you to drop me a message via the form situated on this page with all the details concerning your request, your time constraints, your planning... I will get back to you as soon as possible with a quote and questions in order to know more about what you need.
After our meeting, I will send you within a few days a first proposition of the documents in order for you to validate the design. If you like it, I will apply it to all the other documents.
After you have validated all the documents, I will send them to the print shop and you will receive everything a few weeks later.
what are the deadlines?
Deadlines may vary depending on your request, how many documents there are etc. It is very important for you to tell me from the first day what your deadlines are so I can work around them. Deadlines also vary depending on print shops and what your paper needs are. It usually takes a few weeks up to 1-2 months depending on the request.
Get in touch for a custom quote